My Etsy Shop - Kiss Me Krafty

Monday, February 1, 2010

A serving size of cereal....

hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!  I love cereal.  It is something that I have eaten my whole life.  You get your calcium and a tasty little sugar boost.  I decided to start keeping up with my calories.  New year...fresh start.  Have you ever measured out a serving of cereal?  What a JOKE!!!!  It equals that content of a baby food jar!!!  Just the right amount to make me mad!!  Surely this is all a cruel trick, but is not.  We have a very warped sense of what a serving size is.

I have started keeping a record of my calorie intake.  I am blown away at the amount of calories that can be eaten in a day.  Even when you think that you are doing great with your choices. salad can use up your whole budget of calories for the day.  Dressing on the side! 

Journaling your calories intake can really make you accountable to your choices.  It is like keeping up with a bank account.  Do you really want to spend you money on this when you can have that?  I am beginning to be very picky with my with my "bank" account. 

Now back to the favorite is Honey Comb.  Love it and it makes me think I am eating alot because it is big!  Okay, I know it is full of sugar but I like the "good" kind too.  However....I HATE that Kashi stuff.  It reminds me of the mornings as a kid when my mom would bring out the Shredded Wheat...not cool when you are 10.....just sayin....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, girl....Keep 'um coming!!!!! Like I've told you're the "Erma Bombeck" of OUR generation and I'm your manager! Let me know when you want me to start! You're a STAR! Love you! Craig